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Image de la carte du jeu


New Techno War is a tactical warfare simulation. Each player takes on the role of a side that attacks or defends.


Several scenarios allow you to simulate military situations in the countryside, in a village or in a house.

In the basic box, we will exclusively simulate scenarios from the Swiss Army's defense mission.

Editor's note

This is a game. In no way did we want to defame a person or a people.
Humor has been our only guide in creating these scenarios. We hope you will enjoy them!

The game has been designed to be fun and entertaining.

This game was developed in collaboration with the Swiss technology foresight program S+T

Image de la carte du jeu
Image new techno war


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Why should I open a personal account on our website ?

Registering on the New Techno War website will allow you to:

  • Be part of a community of passionate players.
  • Create and save your own scenarios, as well as export them to PDF format.
  • Share your scenarios with the rest of the community.
  • Have the possibility to consult your own statistics per scenario by entering your game data (battle log).
  • Suggest / create new technologies.

Are you ready to take on the New Techno War community?

Download the game rules


Contact us

Helvetia Games
Rue de la Drague 43
1950 Sion, VS, CH

Social media